Sunday, March 30, 2014

american flag sunglasses

a lot of people nowadays have an attitude that spending money on experiences is superior to spending money on stuff. they regard shopping as an activity for the unenlightened, and all the more worthy individuals like themselves would spend their time and money traveling, climbing mountains, or something like that. this is evidenced by the decline of the mall in america, documented by

well, i think its a pity. shopping in america, other than in nyc or a non-dead mall, kind of sucks. or maybe its the bad economy. i spent much of my childhood living in foreign countries, so i feel like traveling for the sake of traveling is kind of pointless and overrated. i am extremely extroverted and love doing activities Besides shopping, like duh, or else what would i be buying my cute outfits for??

so i was getting together my package to return to deb, and i Still cant decide if i should keep my american flag wayfarers, pictured below

so if there are any lurkers out there who read my blog, now is a good time to chime in!

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