Thursday, April 9, 2009

Staying power

Sometimes I wonder how long I'll be a MissBimbo regular (it's my 7th day now). I think the fact that it takes a while to accumulate the required money, attitude, etc to level up, forces me to pace myself and so I don't get sick of the game too quickly, as opposed to if I could just complete all the goals and then get bored.

I intend to complete all the goals on my own without "withdrawing" aka paying any IRL money, or even looking for help from other players (that would ruin the surprise and fun for me). Although I don't know what i'll do if/when I have to complete the hard puzzle for a challenge (eek). I am not good at stuff like that. I think people who are good at rubiks cubing would be good at it, but I am not good at it at all. I can just imagine girls asking their boyfriends or guys who are good at cubing to help them solve the hard puzzle which somehow makes me LOL.

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